“Crystal Ship”
You might have read my previous substack in which I mentioned my UFO sighting in 2018. I spoke about it on Episode 240 of “the ufo chronicles podcast”. I also recreated it on my YouTube channel, here:
But just because I've had experiences for which I have no explanation, doesn't mean I automatically dive down the nearest rabbit-hole to find one!
I'm more inclined to think the answer to UFOs, (and the “Paranormal” in general), is perhaps much closer to home than many researchers think.
I would LOVE for someone to come up with a real-world explanation for my 2018 experience. But last year, at the end of November, I had another sighting, which WAS caused by a man-made craft - a very unexpected one.
Here's how I described it to Nik, at the ufo podcast. As it turns out, many other people across the West Midlands were witnesses, and rang or emailed their local media to ask what it was, with some of them calling it “UFOs”.
Wednesday evening, 29 November 2023
At 5.30pm, we decided to walk the 5 minutes down to our local Chip shop for Fish & Chips, (not a regular thing, because we are both watching our waistlines).
It was a dull, overcast, still evening. As we walked into a very dark street, there was a sudden roar of an aeroplane, extraordinarily loud. We are under a flight path from Bristol Airport, so I'm well used to the Easyjets which fly around Bristol.
This was different. I immediately thought “that sounds military”, and I looked up to see a group of dancing white circular lights on the clouds, right above. Or rather, they seemed to be shining through the clouds. Three of them were chasing each other in a circle, merging together, separating, and whirling round again. Another one split from the group, and went shooting off in the direction of the airport.
What it looked like is that the noisy plane had flown through the middle of these lights and disturbed them.
My husband had walked on round the corner, and I called him back, and said “look at those lights”! His mind was clearly more on Fish and Chips! He glanced up, went “Uh, yeh”, and walked on!
The roaring noise died away and as I looked back, the lights were gone. As you do, I scrambled around for an explanation. Could it be someone messing around with a laser, or car headlights somehow reflecting off the low clouds, and the presence of the noisy jet was pure coincidence?
But I've lived near Bristol all my adult life, and I had never seen anything quite like this.
I only recently tried googling the event, and found this explanation on local news sites, which is, in it's way, as peculiar as a visit by UFOs.
So some aeroplane geek captured the flight path of this jet, but I have a few unanswered questions, which I'm sure have occurred to you!
I knew at the time that whatever type of plane it was, was unlikely to be coming out of Bristol Airport, which is civilian.
Apart from visits by the Red Arrows to our famous Balloon Fiesta, the last time military planes were heard so loudly around Bristol, was during the bombing of Libya in 1986.
At that time Filton Airfield was still operating, and the Americans were using it as a refuelling stop. We had an F1-11 maintenance hanger up there, which I was lucky enough to be working on, for a building firm I was with.
There are of course, areas where people regularly see jets on training flights - mid Wales, and parts of the Somerset Levels, for example. But these tend to be in daylight, over the countryside.
There are rather a lot of hurdles to jump, before anyone owning one of these aircraft can take it out for a spin:
The map reprinted on Gloucester Live doesn't show the jet's origination airfield, but we can make a guess, at RAF Northallerton, maybe, or RAF Leeming? Where it didn't come from is the Red Arrow’s own base, south of Lincoln.
This model Hawk has been phased out, and it's possible that some aeroplane nut, with more money than sense, managed to acquire one.
So this “Red Arrow” jet - according to wikipedia, they are the only people still using them - randomly flew a NE - SW circuit of England, on a weekday evening, at 5.30pm, (rush-hour) right over a major city, and skirting several others.
The story only made 2 local news websites, on the following day, then disappeared without trace, as fast as the Hawk Mk167 itself!
Was it some military cadet, impressing his mates by nicking the training aircraft?
Or maybe some rich, would-be “Douglas Bader” who decided to take his girlfriend for a joyride on her birthday, from his private airfield, without bothering about those boring special permissions from the Civil Aviation Authority?
I have a feeling we will never know!
Sometimes the explanations for UFO sightings are almost as bizarre as the “real thing”!
There are an awful lot of people who own or part-share planes, mostly prop but I’m sure some small jets too. I think you were seeing an ‘enthusiast’ showing off his latest acquisition. Naughty, naughty...