UFO-Bros in a "flap" over glamorous Congresswoman's teasing!
Disclosure - of something - next week?
“Drones” and “Orbs" are the buzzwords in Ufology nowadays, like “Flying Saucers" and “Foo Fighters” were, back in the day.
The names change, but the Phenomena continues, as it probably always has, since the early hominids first looked up from scavenging other animal's kills.
If you scroll back through my substack you will see that I'm what is called an “experiencer”.
Some sightings of UFOs are dreamlike, some are scary, some profound. Some are so mundane they seem hardly worth mentioning.
This one, and I'm afraid I can't pinpoint the date, is one of the mundane ones. It wasn't until the recent drones/orbs flap around Christmas 2024, that I remembered I hadn't told anyone about it.
Like so many of them you read about, this seemed very personal. Especially so, when it's near your home. It's almost like it has appeared specially for you, or you're being checked in on.
Here it is, as I've sent it to Nik Hunter at The UFO Chronicles Podcast:
The concave side made it look a bit like a flying eyeball! It certainly wasn't moving aimlessly like a balloon would, and there was no wind. Travelling purposefully, I thought at the time.
I remember watching it go by and thinking “it's not very high, what will it do when it reaches those big trees down by the Park"? Then I just decided it must be some kind of drone, shrugged, and carried on to the shops and the rest of my day.
As you do! It was only later that I thought, hang on, there was no sound, no propellers, and drones aren't meant to fly low over houses. ( Which all the witnesses who reported the recent American “drones” to their local police knew very well).
If you watch a UFO channel called Eyes on Cinema, you will see many photos and film of ufos, pre-internet, which look remarkably like the ones seen in December 2024 in New Jersey.
I'm sure you’ll agree with me that these photos look more like a collection of sea creatures than “spacecraft”.
Suggestion: Do they appear like reflective spheres (“orbs”) in daylight, and light up like flashing Christmas Trees after dark? In the same way Squid and other creatures in the Sea have their own inner luminescence, to talk to and find one another?
Why did this particular “wave ” occur? Is something happening in the upper atmosphere which is forcing them down where we can see them? Pollution, space junk, radiation, a new food source? A migration?
The word ‘wave’ to describe the numerous recent sightings has been used in an interview by glamorous Congresswoman Paulina Luna. She was the star of last year's House Oversight Committee on UAPs, even more so than the very capable Chair, Nancy Mace.
She has set the UFO-Bros spinning, with her cryptic hints that next week we will see a major Press Conference about something important for “the whole Nation” (meaning America).
Here's one of them, discussing what it could be. He's keeping an open mind about what the Phenomena is (ie not just nuts & bolts over here and angels & demons over there).
Paulina Luna is in the Diana Pasulka camp with this mystery. Like Pasulka, she's religious, which means she has had PLENTY of education about other-worldly stuff, as she grew up.
So unlike a lot of UFO-Bros, who are Atheists, the bizarre aspects of the Phenomena don't send her and Pasulka into a flat spin, which gives them a distinct advantage.
In the interview above, at 7:19, Luna asks one of the witnesses whether he believes the “aircraft” are being “piloted". Her question is extremely careful, as is his answer.
“Piloted" can have different meanings. A bird, for example, could be said to be piloted through the air by it's own instincts to find food, shelter, and it's mate.
As with all politicians, it's important to listen to her exact words.
It's fair to say there is frenzied excitement in UFO-land about possible Disclosure incoming. Stephen Spielberg has even named his new UFO movie “Disclosure”!
It will be his long-awaited sequel to Close Encounters of The Third Kind (1977), the movie which gave us our now standard idea of what “aliens” look like; 4ft high, grey, big-eyed Fetuses (with “ET” - also Spielberg - even more so)!
His first “Encounters” movie popularised the classification of “1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th-kind” encounters. Which has now culminated in the so-called “ 5th-kind” encounters, where VERY SPECIAL people allegedly use Telekinesis and Telepathy to control UFOs and speak to aliens!
Has Spielberg in his directing career just ridden the “wave” of Ufology? Or has he in a real sense “manifested” how we think and talk about it?
Would people have still seen little grey walking-Fetus aliens, if he had never made “Close Encounters"?
The problem Rep. Paulina Luna and all the Ufo-Bros have now, is that no Disclosure is going to be “enough” Disclosure.
The spaceships didn't land during Trump's Inauguration. If they had, it would have been instantly dismissed as just a clever holographic advert for Spielberg's new film!
The American government and military first scrambled around for explanations of the “drones", then denied there was any mystery.
But listen to what they have repeatedly said: “It's not us”. But also: “It's not an enemy”, “it's not our enemies", “it's not a threat to our security". (Even if they are holding secret panic meetings, like the UK government held two COBRA meetings about the “drones” over British military bases).
REALLY LISTEN to what they are telling us. (If they're not OUR enemies, are they the enemies of someone else)?
It's very possible that Disclosure is going to involve the religious aspects of the Phenomena.
Trump has been talking about God a lot lately. Millions of Americans believe in an active, interventionist Deity, who saved his life in order for him to save America.
I wrote a substack about his nearly-assassination:
Were the “drones" and Trump's re-election happening at the same time more than a coincidence?
Are we being set up (by who?) for an Alien Rapture, rather than an Invasion?
Religious Disclosure is going to cause just as much confusion and denial as if the spaceships HAD landed on the White House lawn.
But Congresswoman Luna, I'm sure, will take it all in her very elegant stride!